4421 Salem Ave Dayton, OH 45416
Phone: 937-275-9473
Fax: 937-274-5799

Nutritional Consultation
Nutritional Supplements
Specialty Lab Testing
Cancer Prevention
Nutritional Counseling for Cancer Patients
Mistletoe Thearapy
Genetic Mutations - MTHFR, COMT, etc.
Hormone Balance
PH Balancing
Herbal Medicine
NADA Protocol
PEMF Therapy
Light Therapy
Infrared Sauna
Schedule your appointment today.
Telemedicine available
Vanessa Edwards ND, LAc, MT
Naturopathic Medical Doctor degree: Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine
Masters degree: Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Rainstar University and Guan Amen Hospital Beijing China
Bachelor's of Science degree: Biology: East Tennessee State University
Bachelors of Science degree: Medical Technology: Tennessee State University
Certified Medical Technologist: MeHarry Medical College